I don't tend to do proper resolutions, I do The Year of.. Last year was the year of crime (very minor crimes like jaywalking and things that don't tend to get you in trouble in case you were worried), the year before was the year of sorting my shit out, the year before that.. I dunno, the year of ruining my life or something. This year is the year of ambitious projects.
I got a tailor's dummy for Christmas and bought myself a secondhand embroidery sewing machine for New Years and I have roughly a million sewing projects that I'd like to do. I also have a list of things that I'd like to do that could definitely be described as ambitious projects so in the interests of keeping things together and written down, here's some goals for 2019 (and maybe 2020)
Sewing Goals
1. Make something beautiful that I am proud of.
2. Sew a garment to wear in the real world.
3. Make Lex's Doublet before The Ball.
4. Finish my gold underdress before The Ball.
5. Finish my purple dagged hood before E1.
6. Make myself a purple doublet.
7. Make a purple sideless surcoat with embroidered accents.
7. Make embroidered gift bags for friends.
8. Make Sian and myself heat packs with cherry stones instead of rice.
9. Learn a new kit-making skill.
1. Learn French (again) well enough to hold a basic conversation with my mum.
2. Become a healthy weight (and therefore increase the efficiency of MS Treatment and make relapses less likely.)
3. Take my drugs at the right time every day.
4. Go to 6 Dance Lessons.
5. Enter a competition.
6. Speak to an MS specialist and agree a plan for treatment.
7. Go to my first music festival.
8. Spend time with My People at least 4 times.
9. Play a new larp system.
10. Explore a new place.
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